Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Breakfast Sandwiches, Better Than McDonalds.

So, I've been trying to make my life easier lately.  Having three kids six and under some days feels like a lot.  Getting everyone up at seven thirty, breakfast made, kids dressed, backpacks and lunches packed, out the door and at school by eight twenty is a lot some days.  I'm not a morning person, so learning how to do this without completely losing my mind has been an adventure, to say the least.  One thing that has been really helping with the chaos has been prepping food ahead of time.  Now I am not a "prepper" by any means.  I'm not "Super Mom".  I'm just a mom making it through this journey one coffee at a time. 

My first big change was making sure I had breakfast prepped the night before.  I took this a step further and prepped breakfast for the entire week.  My girls really like Raisin Bran cereal, but I'm not a fan of cereal every morning.  I think there are healthier things to have than cardboard flakes dotted with sugar-laden raisins.  I have been going through Pinterest for ideas on what to make ahead for breakfast and the one thing that kept popping up was breakfast sandwiches.  My kids love eggs, cheese and English muffins, so this seemed like a good idea.  I went to Costco and bought the needed ingredients.  In my case I figured, eggs, processed cheddar (I like how it melts), Miracle Whip, Black Forest Ham and English Muffins. 

I didn't plan on blogging when I made these sandwiches so I didn't take pictures of the process, but I did take some pictures just for me, so I'll include them so you can see what the insanity looks like.  I started counting... five family members, five breakfasts, twenty-five breakfast sandwiches.  Oy! 

I have some round, oven-safe dishes - I think they're for making crème brulee or something like that - they're perfect for cooking eggs in the oven and round.  So the first thing I do is split and toast my English muffins in the oven at 375 F  for a few minutes; just long enough to make the insides feel a bit toasty, I'm not going for crunchy.  Next I spray my round dishes with cooking spray.  I have six, so I crack six eggs, one into each dish, scramble the yolk up with a fork and pop into the oven until they're no longer runny.  Thanks to the cooking spray they'll virtually slip right out.  While those are baking in the oven I have placed a slice of cheese on every other, now cooled, English muffins.

 I top each piece of cheese with a piece of ham (I actually cut the slices into quarters and then take two and place those on my muffins, they're a better fit that way).

  Once everything is assembled I place the, now cooled, eggs on top, put a little bit of Miracle Whip on the other side of the muffin, repeat 24 more times.  VIOLA!  Breakfast for five, for five days.

My final step is to wrap them individually and store them in the fridge for the week.  I pop one out, place it on a paper towel and put it in the microwave for thirty seconds (longer if I'm pulling it out of the freezer, but certainly no longer than ninety seconds, but every microwave is different). 
And there you have it!  Stacks of breakfast sandwiches sitting beside the milk.  What do you do to make your mornings less hectic?  Or are you one of those irritatingly chipper morning people?